Saturday, May 22, 2010

Interactive PowerPoint: Ever heard of it before?

Hello my lovely readers!
How lucky I feel with the online course I am taking!

Every week I learn something new that I cannot wait to put in practice in my language classes.

This week was really special to me, why? Because I am a PowerPoint (PPT) Lover and I have used it in most of my classes.

But what I didn't know was that I could use it in a more interactive way so as to help my students to be more involved in their own learning process.

Having videos, links, objects and even a game on the slides are amazing ideas to make my PPT presentation more meaningful.

I am planning to redesign my presentations so as to add new interactive tools. My students are going to love it!

I am also thinking about asking them to create their own PPT presentations as a wrap-up so they can reflect on what they learnt every week. They may send them to their classmates via e-mail or put in on our moodle site. Have not gone through all the details yet though.

During this week I also learnt about how important group work is and you know what? I tried it in my last class and had a blast!

I must confess I was a bit lost when deciding where to stand during the class and walked a lot during the whole lesson from one group to the other but it was totally worth it!

The learners had more time and opportunity to speak, strong students had the chance to help weak ones and they even chose names for their groups: The girls, the best and the chosen ones!

Here are some pics of them enjoying the experience.

I am planning to hold all my classes with that seating arrangement.

Shall keep you all posted on the results.

Thanks for reading me!



  1. Dear Eve,

    the group or team work is great - all the time students like it (what i can actually see on your students' faces too). Don't worry about standing. You can monitore the students, go from one group to another to check they talk about the topic or work on what you asked them to, and to make sure they speak English (that's a real problem, you know). From time to time, just sit down, watch your nails, but have your ears on them. So, please, remember to sit down from time to time.

    I wish you all the best,

  2. Hi Nadina!
    They loved it indeed!
    Of course, practice makes perfect, so I am going to try all kinds of tasks with them!
    They will become my guinea pigs! lol.. but I think it will be a rewarding experience for both parties!
    Thanks for reading me!

  3. Dear Eve.
    Thank you for the comments on my blog.
    As you I also plan to ask my students to prepare PPT as a revision technique for my project although I think it will be challenging for them since they have never used Power Point. But someday they should start and may it will be me who will teach them how to operate with it.

    Good luck with your project and DL study
    Yours, Nilufar

  4. Hi Eve,

    Group work is indeed very important. It helps students learn from each other. However, I keep changing the students within the groups in order to give the chance for all class students to interact with each other. Where to stand is not a big deal, I keep moving around to listen to their discussion, take notes, or help sometimes with an idea or a word. Students love group work because the weak student benefites from the higher level student and it gives the chance for all class students to become participants.



  5. Dear Maha,
    Thanks for commenting on my blog.
    You are right! the important thing is not where to stand but let students enrich their learning experience by sharing with their classmates.
    I am planning to use group work a lot! changing groups seems like a good idea! I will give it a try!
    Thanks for reading me!

  6. Dear Nilufar,
    You project sounds interesting!
    Just an advise, if I were you, I would start by having a session with a tutorial on PPT. I can be F2F or blended but have them be in touch with PPT for the very first time with a facilitator around so they feel supported by an "expert"
    Thanks for reading me!

  7. Hi Eve
    Great post! Your post itself has translated the theory of learning styles into practice. As you have inserted pictures in the text, your post has aleardy addressed visual and verbal learning styles of the students.I can see that your students on the first picture are working in groups. It seems more interactive. But I doubt on the second picture. The students are looking at the camera, aren't they? I am not sure whether they are listening to you or watching anything you have showed to them.

    What a great idea that you are asking your students to design their own PPT and share with friends. This technique promotes a sense of collaborative learning.


  8. Dear Eve,

    Each and every time I set group work for my students they get engaged... whether it is grammmar, vocabulary revision or a communicative task, they just love it! Unfortunately, I constantly need to remind them of the obligation to use English, but anyway it is worth the time spent.

    As you and others observed, students learn from each other and we mean learning the language as well as sharing experiences and general knowledge. Sometimes, if not frequently, the teachers can learn useful and interesting things from their students!


  9. Dear Prem and Joanna:
    The whole experience of groupwork has been so enriching and I keep on looking for activities to address my students' learning styles!
    I am also incorporating more technology in my sessions!
    Thanks for reading me!
