Sunday, April 18, 2010

ABCD to writing learning objectives

This week I have learned so much about writing learning objectives in a clear and straight way, taking into account those 4 letters that stand for:
Audience (my students)
Behaviour (tangible and measurable)
Condition (Circumstances or context)
Degree of Mastery (how well the performance will be required)
We, as teachers, are always writing objectives or aims for our classes, but sometimes we leave out one of those four aspects mentioned above and that leads to students not knowing exactly what it is expected from them or what they will have to achieve by the end of the class.
Designing clear objectives for the class will help us organize a better session, planning more suitable activities or tasks for our students.


  1. Hello Evelin,

    I totally agree with the idea that the clear objectives are the main point, the starting point of a good lesson. As I (the student) don't know what you (the teacher) expect from me, I will not be able to perform according to the expectations.

    The objectives are also the starting point for the activities of the lesson. If I want my students to learn something new (and I know exactly what I want them to learn), I design a set of activities for every objective I have. My opinion is that we shouldn't have many objectives for a lesson, as it may become confusing.


  2. That's right Nadina!
    When it comes to learning objectives,what matters is quality not quantity.
    Thanks for reading me!

  3. Dear Evelin
    Yes, I agree with your reflection on the ABCD model of writing objectives. This is the easiest framework to write objectives for our own course and classes. I also agree with you that this model makes our activities so specific. However,sometimes I get confused with behaviour and degree. For example, how do we measure the critical and creative ability of the students in terms of degree and behaviour.
    With regards

  4. Hello Evelin,

    This is Piar Karim. You are very creative. I like the way you present your message with the pictures of technology tools. I absolutely agree with your idea about ABCD model. This is the first time I ever participating in an online course. I have learnt so many useful things so far and this networking of professionals from different parts of the world is the best part of the course. I am from Hunza valley a favorite tourist spot for people because of the giant and ridiculously huge mountains of Karakourum, Himalaya. We share our borders in the North with China, and in the North East with central Asia and also with India. I have heard a lot about your place. Please tell me something.

  5. Hi Piar!
    Thanks for stoping by!
    I am a very visual person so I've got to add pics everywhere so as to make it more likeable!
    I am happy you like it.
    So, you live near Himalaya??? wow! I have always dreamt about visiting Asia some day! it looks like such a magical place!
    I live on the central coast of Venezuela. An industrial city called Valencia.
    The caribbean is just 15 minutes away from home so,as you can tell, I am a beach girl!
    In Venezuela we have it all: Mountains like The Andes, The Amazon, The Caribbean, etc! You name it, we have it! anytime any of you want to spend Vacations here, I will be happy to show you around!

  6. Thank you Prem for writing!

    I think behaviour has to do with the final result or product your students will deliver at the end.It describes learners capability and should be observable and measurable. E.g: write a report, give a 5 minute talk, etc

    Degree of Mastery, on the other hand, states the standard for acceptable performance (time, accuracy, proportion, quality, etc)


